Wilson In the News
Understanding the Latest Efforts to Normalize Relations Between Japan and South Korea (NPR)
“This is a very contentious issue. The public does not like it. And there's a very strong anti-Japan sentiment. This is a courageous decision. President Yoon sought a solution, and he feels that this is the only solution for Korea and Japan to improve their relationship.” -Sue Mi Terry
Xi Jinping Locks in Third Term as China's Leader (PRI)
“His big domestic challenge is that the Chinese economy is slowing down... that is happening at the same time that China’s population is both shrinking and getting older. He’d love to be able to spend all of his attention on that. He can’t do so because under the first ten years of Xi’s leadership, China’s relationship with the US has gone down the tubes.” -Robert Daly
US, Australia, UK Forge Landmark Nuclear Submarine Deal (VOA)
"This is really more a response to the very aggressive military buildup that China has had, as opposed to anything we're doing that would be provoking to China." -Mark Kennedy
What it’s Like to Negotiate with Putin (Politico)
“When you are presenting to him, he will often look as if he’s not listening. But at the end, he will always ask you the one question that you wished that he hadn’t.” -Baroness Catherine Ashton