Join us this Sunday at the Dalton Community Center for a discussion on Senate File 73: the bill that legalizes the use of recreational cannabis. | This week, the Agriculture, Broadband, and Rural Development Committee heard Senate File 1867. Senate File 1867 is a bill that I authored that would help lower the cost of dairy products because currently, in Minnesota, it is against the law to sell dairy products too cheaply. Whether it is a gallon of milk, cottage cheese, or yogurt - you can get in trouble with the state for selling dairy products too cheaply. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture can take action against retailers and processors for selling milk below a price set in Minnesota law. | My bill would repeal Minnesota's price-setting law for dairy product which would benefit both consumers and Minnesota dairy farmers. | It is tough to say how much this law impacts the price of milk or other dairy products, but we do know that repealing this law will mean cheaper prices for consumers. Coupons and other promotions cannot be used for dairy products if it puts the price below the minimum price. | This bill will help promote our state’s dairy farmers and has their support. We know that Minnesota’s price-setting law for dairy products hurts our dairy farmers because they get an exemption for June, which is dairy month. This law is only in effect 11 months out of the year because otherwise, dairy promotions would be illegal during dairy month. If we repeal this law, every month can be dairy month in Minnesota. | The Minnesota Milk Producers Association, consumer advocacy groups, and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture all testified in support of my bill. | Despite being in the minority party, I have been successful in amending bills as they move through the committee process. This includes proposals to amend legislation that would create a mandated paid family and leave program, legalize recreational marijuana in Minnesota, and hurt local agriculture companies. | After working with the business community, I introduced an amendment in the Human Services Committee to require an independent third party to conduct an actuarial study to ensure the financial soundness of the paid family and medical leave program. | Additionally, as legislation to legalize recreational marijuana moved through the Commerce and Consumer Protection Committee, I successfully offered an amendment to require warning labels on cannabis products. The warning must read, “Cannabis can harm your health, and your baby's health if you are pregnant." | Finally, I also amended legislation that seeks to require manufacturers to make diagnostic information and spare parts available “to any independent repair provider or to the owner of digital electronic equipment.” Alarmingly, the bill contained language that grouped small electronics with heavy and off-road equipment. The amendment, therefore, ensures that manufacturers and dealers of heavy equipment like farm machinery are exempt. | While the legislature is under Democrat control, I am continuing to work to amend bills for the betterment of Minnesotans. Working across the aisle provides victories that are key for improving the potential laws that are being proposed. To read more on this topic visit the MNSRC website. | Question of the Week Do you support repealing the minimum price on dairy products? Taking this survey will sign you up for future news and updates from my office. | Connecting with Constituents | This week, Sheriff Wright from Traverse County and Sheriff Fitzgibbons from Otter Tail County visited me at the Capitol. We discussed public safety issues that face our local communities. Thank you for the service you provide to District 9! | Senator Jordan Rasmusson District 9 | |