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Common Cause is rallying their troops. We’ve intercepted yet another message to their base, working to undermine our efforts. 

Here’s a direct quote: 

“The conspirators behind Article V already have plans to pass calls for a convention in the last states they need to succeed. Common Cause won’t let them win – but we need to pull out all the stops to roll back the call in Montana and prepare for the many more calls to come this year.”

And they’re not wrong. We are on a warpath to secure the remaining victories we need to call an Article V Convention. Because here’s the reality: the faster we move, the less time the opposition has to organize against us.

We always knew that when we got to where we are today, with 19 states onboard to call the Convention, we would get massive pushback from the radical left.

It makes sense.

They KNOW that when we call a Convention of States, We the People will be able to circumvent the behind-closed-door deals and power struggles that progressives have been using to push their agenda through the Swamp.

They KNOW that liberty-loving Americans are more accurately represented in the states, outside of the beltway.

They KNOW that when an Article V Convention is called, We the People will be able to discuss amendments that drain power from the swamp and return it to the sovereign American people.

And they’re terrified.

John, we’ve also discovered that Common Cause is buying ads on Google, disguising themselves to look like Convention of States, so that when people click on their link, they can lead them to misinformation about Article V.

Thankfully, the truth, the Founding Fathers, and the American people are on our side.

But Common Cause is still dangerous. They’ve successfully planted enough misinformation in the past to subvert votes. We cannot let them win this information war.

That’s why we’re committed to increasing our presence, not only on Google, but with ads on social media, on the radio, on television, and anywhere we can get the word out to reach every liberty-loving citizen in America.

With so many votes on the COS Resolution hanging in the balance, we don’t have a moment to waste.

But we can’t do it alone. We’re less than 24 hours away from our deadline to raise $100,000 to fuel our 2023 Victory Fund.

Will you chip in $10 or $20 today and help us fight Common Cause's expansive anti-Article V campaign with the truth? 

When you give before midnight tonight, every dollar will be matched — dollar for dollar. 

That means $5 becomes $10 and $25 becomes $50 in the fight to call a Convention of States. 


Standing and fighting,

The COS Team

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