This Mother’s Day, stand with mums facing terminal illness



Last week, I got in touch to encourage more people to share their personal stories of facing terminal illness. Today, I wanted to share a bit more of mine: 


After seeing my own mum face an unbearably painful death, and dealing with terminal cancer myself, I know all too well how devastating the blanket ban on assisted dying is for families across the UK. 


This Sunday is Mother’s Day, a day of joy and celebration. But for the families of mums facing terminal illness and dreading the prospect of a difficult death, it’s just another day of worrying if their mum will suffer. Which is why I want to ask for your help.


This Mother’s Day, will you stand up for mums and families fearing a traumatic end of life due to terminal illness by becoming a Dignity in Dying member? As a member, you’ll be playing a vital part in powering our campaign to change the law on assisted dying.



Friend, it can be so difficult to be close to someone facing terminal illness and see what they’re going through every day. And it’s heartbreaking, knowing that their suffering could be avoided, if only the UK government allows your loved one to have a say on when and how they die. 


But the current law leaves terminally ill people with no choice. Even if they decide to end their lives, they may put their family at risk of criminal prosecution. It’s horrific, and it’s why Dignity in Dying is fighting for urgent change.


Friend, I’m not used to asking for money - it doesn’t come naturally to me at all. But the campaign for a compassionate assisted dying law matters deeply to so many families who are forced to watch their loved ones suffer this Mother’s Day. Your support could help change the law to give terminally ill people the choice to end our lives on our own terms.


Friend, nobody should have to see their mum or any family member go through a bad death.


Will you become a member today and power the campaign to give terminally ill people like me the power to decide what our endings should be? 


Thanks for standing with mums facing terminal illness and their families this Mother’s Day. Together we can win a compassionate law that gives choice, dignity and comfort for terminally ill people and their loved ones.





Our campaign is powered by members - people who support us with a small regular gift so we can plan out the most effective actions to bring about an assisted dying law. Sign up and join thousands of other Dignity in Dying members across the country, from just £2 a month:

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