Fellow Conservative,
Chip has been working around the clock to Stand up for America.

Chip has been leading the charge in the House of Representatives to secure the border, rein in reckless spending, protect America’s land from China, defund woke bureaucrats, and more.
He’s taken the establishment in Washington head-on and he won’t stop until we have freedom and prosperity for all Americans.
We're writing now, at mid-month, to ask if you would help Chip keep fighting for us -- we're just two weeks away from the first quarterly FEC deadline of the year. It's extremely important.

Now would be a perfect opportunity to say THANK YOU to Chip Roy with a $23 online donation to help us catch up on our mid-month goals.
We have to keep Chip fighting for our rights in Congress, against the radical left, the corporate establishment and the woke bureaucracy.

We’re asking you to stand with Chip now by pitching in and help us take back America for conservatives.

For Liberty,
Tell Chip "THANK YOU" - Chip In >>
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