Dear John,
A recent Fraser Institute-commissioned poll found that half of young Canadians prefer socialism to capitalism!
Clearly, it is more important than ever to educate young Canadians – not only about the realities of socialism, but about the ideas and economic theories of historically influential thinkers.
… did you know that is what our Essential Scholars series does?
Essential Scholars presents, in plain language, the key ideas of some of the most influential economists of all time.
And just last month, it got a serious upgrade!
On the new and improved website you can listen to new podcasts; download audiobooks; order physical copies of the books; and watch more than 50 short, animated videos that bring to life the ideas of Adam Smith, John Locke, F. A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and many others.
John, big projects like Essential Scholars are only possible thanks to the generosity of supporters like you.
If you agree that it is more important than ever to educate Canadians about the importance of free markets and individual choice, please consider making a donation today so we can continue the work we do.
Thank you for your continued support.
Niels Veldhuis
The Fraser Institute
PS: If you haven’t yet seen our new Essential Scholars website, check it out here!