We want the national media to see who is really being harmed by Walgreen’s reckless policy.

Dear Friend,

Walgreens is complaining about the treatment it’s received since its decision to block women from legally obtaining the abortion pill in its stores more than 20 states.

The billion-dollar corporation is complaining in the press that it’s “being picked on.” Its executives claim it’s being “bullied” for “simply following the law” (it’s not). Walgreens even hired Governor Gavin Newsom’s former chief of staff to share its complaints and change his mind about canceling California’s contracts with the pharmacy chain.(1)(2)

Walgreens is obviously feeling the pressure -- there are boycotts popping up across the country (including by 17,000 Courage members!) and its stock prices are falling. So the corporation is fighting back with a media campaign, framing itself as a victim.

We want the nation to see who is really being harmed by Walgreens' reckless policy. Courage California is joining forces with UltraViolet, one of the most powerful gender-justice organizations in the U.S., with a media campaign of our own. We are going to run a billboard on one of the busiest highways in Chicago -- where Walgreens is headquartered -- calling the corporation out for caving to extremists and putting women’s lives at risk.

As a grassroots organization, we can’t run this billboard unless our members chip in. Will you donate to help call out Walgreens in a big way?


We aren’t exaggerating when we say women will be harmed by Walgreens’ refusal to dispense the abortion pill.

More than half of abortion seekers depend on access to mifepristone -- a medicine taken safely for 23 years by tens of millions of people. The FDA approved it for mail order and telehealth, and it’s the only option in areas where no clinics exist or abortion is banned.(3)

If Walgreens can be pressured by red-state governors into not dispensing a legal medication, more pharmaceutical chains will surely follow. And considering how abortion clinics are overwhelmed across the country, people will most certainly turn to unsafe and risky alternatives if they can’t get legal access.

Walgreens’ pandering to red states has far-reaching ramifications, which is why we need to turn up the heat.

Courage California has joined with UltraViolet to put up a giant billboard near Walgreens HQ, demanding that the corporation side with people over politics. Once we fund this billboard, our message will be seen by millions of people and the media right in Walgreens’ backyard. It’s a super effective tactic that we’ve seen work before, and if every Courage California member who signed on to our Walgreens boycott donates just $5, we can not only post the billboard, we can keep it running for weeks to come.

Rush an emergency donation to Courage California and help us stop Walgreens’ abortion pill ban!

Thanks for your critical support.

–Irene, along with Angela, Annie, Isidra, Lindsay, Mai, Mai, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage team) 


PS: Courage California is fighting for equity and justice across the state and country. Will you become a monthly donor and help sustain our work?

Donations go to support all of Courage California's work for a more progressive California and country. Follow us now on Facebook or Twitter!

1. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/13/newsoms-former-chief-is-repping-walgreens-in-abortion-pill-fight-00086846
2. https://www.foxnews.com/media/washington-post-hits-bully-newsom-grandstanding-walgreens-abortion-fight-abuse-power
3. https://theintercept.com/2023/02/28/medication-abortion-lawsuit/

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