From Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson <[email protected]>
Subject America's Youth Need Community, not Cages
Date March 16, 2023 6:48 PM
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Just & Caring Communities

Dear John, 

Young people caught in adult and juvenile legal systems are
disproportionately poor, Black, and Brown. Despite children's
rights to safety, developmentally appropriate supports, and education,
legal systems are not balancing the need for restoration and public
safety, with the right to grow up with dignity and joy. These
institutions continue to fail our nation's youth and their
families. At Children's Defense Fund, we contend for the
transformation of juvenile and adult legal systems in multiple states,
including New York and California. Investing in young people is true
community safety. 

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CDF-New York (CDF-NY) and CDF-California (CDF-CA) continue to
prioritize community, while protecting and lifting young people.

This week, CDF-NY launched its Whole Child, Whole Community Week of
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highlighting critical budget needs of children, youth, and families
and the investments New York must make to put marginalized communities
first. Investments into these communities are crucial to ensure that
marginalized youth stay out of the juvenile and adult legal

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this week to ensure youth justice is a priority in the New York State

In 2021, CDF-NY, in coalition, successfully lobbied and advocated to
end the arrest and prosecution of nearly all children under the age of
12 in New York State,

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keeping the youngest children in the state out of the juvenile legal
system. Instead, children and their families are connected to
community-based supports. The law went into effect late last

In 2022, through CDF-NY's lobbying and advocacy with partners, New
York State legislators reached a budgetary agreement preserving the
protections of the Raise the Age law, which "raised the
age" of criminal responsibility. The legislation gives most 16-
and 17-year-olds access to Family Court rather than treating them as

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CDF-NY is currently co-leading a coalition with young people across
the state to pass the Youth Justice & Opportunities Act (YJ&O)
and the Right 2 Remain Silent

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bills. By passing YJ&O, New York has the chance to lead the
nation by protecting the futures of young people up through age 25,
enhancing community well-being, and providing adolescents and emerging
adults the opportunity to move forward in their lives without the
barrier of a criminal conviction. The Right 2 Remain Silent Bill would
require that a child or adolescent under 18 first consult with counsel
before any police questioning can take place. Right 2 Remain Silent is
about making the Constitutional rights of children a reality. 

CDF-CA is advocating for redirecting resources from outdated
strategies into community-based youth development. 

CDF-CA's work resulted in reducing the school-based probation
budget by over $4 million in Los Angeles County. This money was
redirected to the Ready to Rise
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program, which invests state funds into diversion and youth
development programs. 

In addition to redirecting state funds, CDF-CA has been vigilant in
making sure young people who are in California's juvenile legal
system are treated humanely. CDF-CA organized, pushed, and achieved
historic approval for increased oversight and inspections around
conditions of confinement.

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A large part was focused on demanding that probation police stop
pepper spraying children and youth. CDF-CA Director of Youth Justice
Policy, Milinda Kakani, spoke with KPCC's Airtalk about the
illegal and immoral use of chemical agents against children. 

Click here

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to listen to hear interview! 

Our young people deserve just and caring communities that center their
needs, reduce contact with punitive systems, and build true community
safety. With your support, we can continue the work to build on these
victories for justice. 

For our children,

Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson

President and CEO


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