Hi, Friend – I wanted to write you a personal note about our open staff position. 

I’ve held this role for six months, and it’s been the best job I’ve ever had (no, seriously). I’m stepping down next month, so now you have the opportunity to make socialism your full-time job! Read the job description and apply here.

Here are some of the things I’ve valued most about working for the chapter:

  • Helping us get an office! We had a blast moving all of our stuff out of storage and into our new HQ in downtown Oakland, and then celebrating last December with food, prizes, and dancing. Now we’ve got meetings and socials happening all the time, and even groups of unionizing workers using our space to strategize.
  • Getting our money right. I had a chance to meet with dozens of members like you for coffee and chats about monthly dues and the future of the chapter. Plus, I supported the Fundraising Team to learn how to run phone banks and email campaigns. Thanks to you, we’ve increased our monthly dues by over 250%!
  • Making friends and comrades for life. Since I’ve been lucky enough to talk to people from all corners of the chapter, I’ve met people I never would have otherwise. Some of the most rewarding friendships have grown through our mutual respect and hard work, even (especially!) when we disagree politically. 

I hope you’ll consider applying so that you can grow as an organizer like I have and help us win fights for socialism. The job description is below. Read the job description and submit your application by 11:59pm on Saturday, March 25th for first consideration.

Thanks so much for our time together building socialism in the East Bay and for giving the opportunity to learn from you. I can’t wait to keep working together as members.


Ella Teevan
Staff Organizer
East Bay DSA

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