Friend, More than 7,500 members have signed our new petition calling on the Senate to reform the "blue slip" process so that President Biden's judicial nominees can be considered in a fair and timely manner. But we need your help to continue building pressure on the Senate to act! By implementing reforms we can ensure that more judicial vacancies are filled and in doing so, create a more equitable judiciary. Thanks for all that you do, Zach, People For the American Way ----[previous message]---- Supporter, Senate Republicans are exploiting an old Senate tradition in order to slow the confirmation and even the nomination of President Biden’s judicial nominees – and no, it’s not the filibuster, but instead a little-known process called “blue slips.” Called the “blue slip” tradition, this practice lets home-state senators submit a blue slip of paper to indicate whether they support a district court nominee in their state – or by withholding the blue slip, block their nomination. Unsurprisingly – in their quest to maintain a conservative stronghold on the federal judiciary – Republicans are refusing to return blue slips and blocking the Senate from even considering President Biden’s judicial nominees in their states. Just knowing that Republicans have this veto power discourages the White House from nominating qualified people. This practice unfairly leaves judicial vacancies unfilled and as a result creates two separate and unequal systems of justice – leaving countless Americans in red states forced to have their cases heard by far-right zealots who are more likely to rule in favor of corporations, the ultra-wealthy, and those who align with their conservative ideology. To further highlight the problem that the “blue slip” tradition has created, People For just released a brand-new report, “One Nation, Two Systems of Justice: Why It’s Time to Reform the Blue Slip Practice” that outlines the process – and problem – in greater detail. Please read and share the report >> As we fight hard to restore balance and integrity to our federal judiciary, we cannot thank you enough for your continued advocacy and support. Thank you, Zach, People For the American Way