John, we fell short.

We needed to raise $10,000 for our critical mid-month fundraising deadline, but I just got an update from our finance team, and it looks like we missed our goal by $1,352.

The good news is: We're extending our deadline – but only by one more day! Click here to donate.

It’s moments like this when we really count on top supporters like you to come through and help power our movement forward. But not enough people have stepped up, and we’re getting worried.

Please, will you be one of the crucial donors we need and give $10 or more now? Your support is vital in our work to recruit, train, and empower Democratic women to run across the country. Here's the best link to give:

Thank you for coming through,

Jasmine Smith
Development Manager, Emerge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Bishop, Emerge
Date: Wed, Mar 15, 2023
Subject: counting on you, John