Monkey locked in a box cage.

Take Action for Millions of Animals Suffering
and Dying in Labs!

Take Action


Just one action right now can help millions of animals suffering in laboratories. As you read this, dogs, rabbits, monkeys, and other animals are enduring cruel experiments. One reason being the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to use flawed and outdated drug approval policies.

This is your chance, Friend, to tell the FDA to end animal testing for good!

Take Action

Animals used in experiments spend their lives in cages and suffer inhumane tests. Some animals are force-fed high doses of drugs via tubes or intravenously, sometimes several times a day. Some are unable to move because of the drugs’ toxic effects; others die during procedures. And the animals that manage to survive are then killed. These tests not only cause immense suffering—they’re also ineffective. Approximately 90% of drugs tested on animals fail in human trials, half due to unexpected toxicity in humans.

We’re fighting for FDA funding to be used to develop alternatives to animal tests to end this unnecessary suffering. Using alternative methods can help companies bring safer products to consumers faster than using animals. But we’ll need every supporter making their voice heard if we’re going to succeed in protecting animals from cruel, outdated and inaccurate lab tests. Please take action for these animals now and send a message to the FDA to demand they shift to non-animal test methods that are more effective and spare animals from suffering.

Thank you for standing with us!


Sara Amundson Signature

Sara Amundson
Humane Society Legislative Fund

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