Protecting American elections from foreign interference isn't an issue of partisanship

We had a Democratic debate last night and have another tonight. However, on one thing there is no debate: it’s a fact that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections and is planning to do so again in 2020.

Protecting American elections from foreign interference isn’t an issue of partisanship; it’s a test of patriotism. Senate Majority Leader McConnell is failing that test by actively blocking bipartisan legislation to fix known holes in our election security and defend our democracy.

That’s why it’s essential that every single person who loves our country and our core values of democracy and liberty stand together to demand that Senator McConnell perform his duty to the Constitution of the United States and defend our country against these foreign attacks.

Donate here to help me continue to expose Senator McConnell’s failure to protect America against foreign attacks on our democracy and demand that he allow a vote on bipartisan legislation to protect our democracy against foreign interference.

Robert Mueller, the intelligence agencies, and other non-partisan experts agree that our democracy has been attacked and that we need to take measures to deter future interference and defend our election systems.

That’s why acting to protect our elections is a matter of national security. Senator McConnell needs to either put his country above his party and act — or step out of the way. The future of free and fair elections demand that we stand up to Senator McConnell right now.

Chip in whatever you can afford here to help me expose how Mitch McConnell is endangering our democracy by refusing to act to deter ongoing foreign attacks on our democracy.

Thank you for defending America.
