St. Patrick’s Day is coming up -- but it’s not all rainbows and clovers for monarch butterflies. And the only pot of gold is the massive profit that Bayer-Monsanto is raking in from selling TOXIC PESTICIDES.
Monarchs haven’t had much LUCK in the past two decades. Their populations have declined by 90% as the very plant they depend on for survival -- milkweed -- is being wiped out.
We aren’t talking about shamrocks. We’re talking about milkweed -- an essential plant needed for monarch reproduction that also serves as the ONLY food source for baby monarch caterpillars.
Milkweed is being decimated by glyphosate -- the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup. What’s worse is that the company has been deliberately DECEIVING the public, MANIPULATING science, and evading regulations to HIDE the truth about the dangers of this toxic pesticide. Bayer-Monsanto MUST be held accountable for its dangerous lies that are threatening to send monarch butterflies to EXTINCTION. Add your name now before it’s too late! >>
Over the last two decades, 850 million milkweed plants have vanished while almost 300 million pounds of glyphosate are being used every year in the U.S. alone.
If the widespread use of glyphosate continues to KILL OFF milkweed, monarchs could soon face EXTINCTION. And without these beautiful pollinators, the ecosystems they are a part of would suffer.
Glyphosate has even been linked to cancer, reproductive harms, and other serious health issues in humans! Yet Bayer-Monsanto continues to market Roundup even though they KNOW it isn’t safe -- putting people, pollinators, and the planet at risk. Friend, public activism from environmentalists like you is CRUCIAL in the fight to defend our planet from corporate greed. Will you take action now and DEMAND that Bayer-Monsanto STOPS selling toxic Roundup?
Thanks for taking action to save endangered monarchs!
Friends of the Earth