Patriot, ![]() Dear Patriot, First, they drug the country into the ringer with this whole impeachment circus. Then, the FBI put Campaign for Liberty on an apparent political enemies list. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some political payback on the Deep State. Can you imagine the priceless looks on the faces of all those Peter Strzok-like agents who want to see our Liberty Movement DESTROYED, when we block reauthorization of the surveillance state’s crown jewel -- the so-called “USA Freedom Act” this spring? Patriot, our chances will only be better if we can force Congress to fully investigate Deep State spying abuses. So, I’m counting on your help DEMANDING Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) do just that. There are few members of Congress I see eye-to-eye with on matters of government snooping less than Senator Graham. But I definitely agree with his recent statement about the FBI’s brazen spying abuses. "It’s as if J. Edgar Hoover came back to life. . . The old FBI — the FBI that had a chip on its shoulder and wanted to intimidate people." - Lindsey Graham (R-SC) Patriot, it’s time Senator Graham put his money where his mouth is. If the FBI and their Deep State pals are allowed to get away with brazen abuse -- like putting Campaign for Liberty on an apparent political enemies list to target for intimidation -- then I fear it won’t be long before our country slides under total authoritarianism. And with a battle looming over PERMANENT reauthorization of Section 215 of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” in just weeks, and some of the Deep State’s most intrusive surveillance powers, it’s never been more vital we expose these spying abuses. Patriot, this is the (UNCONSTITUTIONAL!) section of federal law pointed to by the Deep State authorizing them to spy on Americans’ phone calls, emails, Internet searches, chats, social media posts, and all the rest. . . It’s the crown jewel of the domestic surveillance state! The good news is, Deep State apologists in BOTH parties from Senator Graham to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) are growing squeamish about reauthorization. They know there’s abuse and that -- despite the Deep State’s promises -- domestic government spying has never done anything to catch a terrorist. So if you and I can FORCE Congress to investigate their abuses, the Deep State’s whole scheme could backfire -- right as the battle over reauthorization of Section 215 of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” comes to a head. The FBI and their Deep State allies have run rough-shod over Americans’ civil liberties long enough. It’s time to take the power back -- and that begins by demanding Congress investigate FBI spying on Campaign for Liberty and any other groups on the FBI's political enemies list. So please, sign your name alongside mine to DEMAND Congress investigate Deep State spying abuses, starting with the FBI spying on Campaign for Liberty. And after you have, please help me gather as many signatures as possible by chipping in with a generous contribution of $7, $10, $25, $50, or more to force Lindsey Graham to put his money where his mouth is on Deep State spying abuses! Please act at once. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |