Team, Josh’s number one focus in Congress is helping people. He’s not there to start problems or become a media star — he’s there to get results and help our community. That’s why Josh took a stand to defend Social Security and Medicare after this administration took aim at both earlier this week. This fight is so important, and we need to be on the frontlines. Right now, radicals on both sides are getting distracted by partisan fights as government benefits are being left defenseless. Can you chip in to support leaders like Josh who will fight for Social Security and Medicare?
In politics you need to pick your battles. We don’t go chasing after every headline, because we want to focus on big picture fights that really make a difference. This is one of those big picture fights. As a Frontline Democrat, Josh already has radical challengers lining up to take him on. He needs to know that we have his back in fights like this, so he can advocate for common-sense solutions without worrying about reelection. Can you rush a donation to help him keep going? Thanks for your help, Mike Campaign Manager, Gottheimer for Congress