Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End Update.
Washington is again focused on the ongoing impeachment trial in the
U.S. Senate… even
as the media is reporting that most Americans are not even watching
the proceedings. The articles of impeachment
are weak and now the Democrats want to call additional witnesses. The
U.S. Senate adding new witnesses in this partisan impeachment trial
would be tantamount to a jury telling prosecutors to find more
evidence after starting the trial because they can't convict.
Regarding witnesses, the fact remains that former National Security
Advisor John Bolton could have been called during the impeachment
proceedings in the U.S. House. All that was needed was to pursue a
court order, just as had been done in the Clinton impeachment as well
as the Congressional investigation into Eric Holder during the Obama
administration. During President Clinton's trial, no new witnesses
were called to testify in the U.S. Senate. Only those that previously
testified during the proceedings in the U.S. House were called to
testify. Meanwhile, Democrats are adamant that Hunter Biden and/or Joe
Biden will not be called as witnesses.
- Why is the Biden family off-limits?
- Why is the whistleblower not being called to testify?
- Why are we not allowed to ask Hunter Biden the following
- Why did you choose to work for a Ukranian corporation which is
known to be extremely corrupt? They had a CEO who was known to be an
international criminal whose whereabouts are unknown.
- What did you do to justify to earn that high of a salary?
- How did you get the job?
- Why do you think your father leveraged and threatened over $1
billion in U.S. aid to have the Ukrainian Attorney General
*Joe Biden should be asked the same questions.
Additionally, ladies and gentlemen, the whistleblower is not
testifying because Adam Schiff lied about the whistleblower's
background and his working relationship with Adam Schiff's staff.
Schiff knew and knows the whistleblower. This past this week we had
Adam Schiff on the U.S. Senate floor repeating the false testimony he
gave earlier regarding Ambassador Sondlond, which was completely
repudiated in the House testimony during Congressman Mike Turner's
questioning. Schiff knows it is false but is saying it anyway.
Congressman Jerry Nadler, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, is accusing
ALL Republicans of treason if they don't vote for
impeachment. These are dangerous precedents being set and exactly why
we must win back the House for Republicans. The Democrats have proven
they cannot be trusted to lead.
On Saturday, the President's team finally got the
chance to issue a rebuttal to these politically-motivated impeachment
charges. President Trump's defense team delivered devastating factual
opening remarks and now the liberal mainstream media is already
conceding/rationalizing why their “winning“ is unrealistic.
Of course, the Democrats will not relent. They issued nasty closing
remarks. Adam Schiff's closing remark stated that Republicans
Senators' "heads would be on a pike" if they voted against the
President. This comment was an unsubstantiated, untrue and an
absolutely outrageous insult. This is a continued attempt by the
Democrat House managers to con the American people. They know what
they are saying is not true. But then again, how else do you sell
garbage other than by making it out to be something it is not? Today,
on This Week with George Propagandanopolis, they did their
best to emphasize that their socialist view of liberalism is not dead
even if Trump is acquited. Pathetic.
The people should demand an apology from all elected officials who
are proponents of this obvious sham and vote them out in November. Of
course, let's not hold our breath on an apology from the media. But
regarding the media, they did not take an oath to uphold the
Constitution, but the elected members of Congress did.
Lately, I have been speaking about how Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s
Democrat-led House cannot be trusted to lead. They have weaponized
impeachment, their policies are about accumulating power, not in the
interest of the people, and they don’t trust the people to choose our
President in the 2020 election. If they don’t trust the American
voter, then Americans shouldn’t trust them... the below cartoon
illustrates this point.

A point that needs to be emphasized, the Democrat’s case is largely
based upon Ambassador Sondland’s testimony. Under questioning by
Congressman Mike Turner, Ambassador Sondland stated clearly, he was
never told, overheard or was directed by President Trump or “anyone on
the planet” to withhold anything for anything related to Ukraine or
the Bidens. Their case has no substance; only a lot of
Thankfully, this impeachment process will end soon. There has been
no new information presented. The President will be vindicated.
Period. They will undoubtedly attempt to come up with something else
which is another important reason we must
This week, the annual Right to Life March occurred in Washington,
D.C. President Trump again made history by attending the rally and
delivering remarks, saying… “It is my profound honor to be the
first president in history to attend the March for Life,” Trump said.
“We are here for a very simple reason: to defend the right of every
child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.”
Many in attendance carried signs declaring President Trump the
most pro-life president in our nation’s history.

In the District, I want to thank Barry Slouch for bringing top
community and business leaders together in Berks County for a
discussion at the world-famous Wyomissing Family Restaurant. We had a
great discussion on the surging economy and the importance of
infrastructure development among other issues. I want to thank all
attendees, including Commissioner Christian Leinbach for

MEDIA: President Trump attended the World Economic Forum
in Davos, Switzerland this week. His remarks to the world’s economic
leaders was a huge success.

The success of the United States economy makes us the leading and
most growing economy in the world. Over 7 million jobs have been
created, with over 2 million millennials joining the workforce.
What was particularly interesting to hear was how the world’s
economic leaders are giving President Trump rave reviews for his
success. This is quite a difference from a few years ago when they
greeted the President and his policies with skepticism and believed
our nation’s economy was approaching uncertain times. After his many
successes, many of those who were skeptical before, believe he will be
reelected. It is my belief that such realistic optimism of the
President's reelection is creating more capital investment and will
lead to a very strong economy in 2020 and beyond.
As in past years, the President’s message to the world’s economic
leaders was consistent with his previous speeches. He rightly
highlighted the success behind our American economy is lower taxes,
eliminating job-killing regulations, renegotiating outdated and unfair
trade deals, increasing domestic energy production and a consistent
focus on improving the lives of everyday Americans. This again
underscores the importance of reelecting President Donald J. Trump and
Keeping America Great.
This week, I joined our police officers in Tamaqua for a
ride-along. As the son of a police officer, I have a unique
understanding of the sacrifices our brave men and women in blue make
to keep our communities safe. They represent that thin blue line that
keeps our communities safe. I want to thank Tamaqua’s finest, pictured
below with Chief Henry Woods, Cpl Mike Hobbs (who I joined on patrol),
Cpl Tom Rodgers and Officers Tony Stanell, Mike Weaver and Corey

I joined Jason Barsky with WILK Newsradio on Friday
morning to discuss key priorities and take questions from the radio
audience. Click
here to listen to the interview.

Later, Shelley and I attended the Republican Party of
Pennsylvania’s Lincoln Day Dinner in Harrisburg. I was honored to
deliver the prayer and enjoyed visiting with so many friends statewide
and from our District.
I wrote an editorial outlining the goals I believe Congress should
have heading into 2020. Click
here to read the editorial. These goals will be more achievable
and realistic when Republicans win back control of the U.S.
As a reminder, as this is an election year, I will be
circulating petitions to run for reelection to Congress. Petition
circulation begins this Tuesday, January 28th. If you would like to
join our team, please let us know. For copies of petitions, questions
or information regarding petition events across the District, please
contact our Field Campaign Manager Rob Bresnahan at [email protected].