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Media Paints Virginia 2A Supporters as White Nationalists ([link removed]) Why the lies? Read and Share ([link removed])
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Why Did Amazon's Jeff Bezos Mourn Khashoggi? ([link removed]) Is Amazon's head CAIR's most powerful ally? Read and Share ([link removed])
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US Gov't Hands Out Tens of Millions to Islamist Organizations ([link removed]) Only a fraction of this was given during the Obama years Read and Share ([link removed])
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Islamists Ditch Women's March After Sarsour and Billoo Booted ([link removed]) When activism shifts to extremism Read and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
FBI: Saudi Gov’t Helps Citizens ‘Disappear’ to Escape US Justice ([link removed])
“The Saudis seem to have immunity from all crimes, not only crimes committed, but the many crimes they've been linked to over the years, they seem to have a free ride.”
- M.W.
Here’s the List of 120+ Members of Congress Supporting CAIR ([link removed])
“So, here is a list of Senators and Reps basically supporting an organization that supports terrorism worldwide!”
- B.L.
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