Last week the legislature voted to spend $18 million of your money. Read Why!
Friends for Dana Criswell
From Your Capitol - January 26, 2020
The third week of the 2020 legislative session was a busy week that began with a rally supporting our second amendment rights and solidarity with fellow patriots in Virginia.
Their actions did not go answered because the next day Desoto County passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution as did Alcorn and Lawrence. Citizens from several other counties have successfully placed the resolution on the agenda for their next county board meeting and many more are working to do the same. I’ve received reports that Stone, Lincoln, and Tishomingo will vote on the resolution soon.
I attended the county board meetings of Desoto and Alcorn Counties on Tuesday, it was inspirational to watch citizens voice their opinions and demand their local officials take a stand to protect their rights.
The people of Mississippi are truly great people.
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From Your Capitol - January 19, 2020
The second week of the 2020 legislative session was full of ceremony and history.
Sometimes I get frustrated and tired of all the ceremonial procedures of government but I realize that for two hundred years the people of Mississippi have been participating in these rituals and ceremonies.
They tie us to our past and help us realize the importance of the decisions made by our government.
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Tyranny in Virginia
Tyranny: a government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler
Virginia Democrats introduce a bundle of radical laws to limit 2A rights, militias, sale transfer and registration bills, and the citizens in the State of Virginia say NO, we’re going to vote you all out next term.
Virginia government, lead by Democrats, responds by introducing a bill to eliminate voter ID.
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As a strict conservative I don't vote to increase your taxes or to spend your money on wasteful projects.  This means many of the deep-pocket lobbyist are not supportive of my efforts.  While other elected offcials receive regular donations from road builders, who want a gas tax increase, and large hospitals, who want to expand medicaid, I recieve none.
That is why I need your help.  Sending this email cost several hundred dollars each month, maintaining my website cost over $1000 each year.  Please consider donating, even a $10 donation makes a huge difference.
Friends for Dana Criswell
PO Box 1321
Olive Branch, MS 38654
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