Hello JOHN,

As congressman, I am committed to working 24/7 for you.

As an American and retired businessman,
I can dedicate all my time working for you.

My international experience working with Aramco gives me the wisdom to work with international partners, protect our national borders and end corruption.

I will follow the US Constitution, assuring equality to all Americans.

The people have made the United States, the greatest and most powerful country in the world.

For our children, families, and all citizens of America, I will continue to protect and defend the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Including powers not specified back to the states or the people (10th Amendment).

I will fight for our veterans! Assuring needed health care! And if not provided by the VA in a timely manner, veterans will have the ability to receive medical care at any facility they choose, to be paid for by the VA.

Under my watch there will be no homeless veterans, giving them a way to sufficient living.



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Dave Giles
United States Congress
Arizona's 4th District

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