You're invited!
Dear John,

You're invited to the next WV Can't Wait Statewide Meeting on April 13th at 7:00pm, by Zoom.


Please RSVP at this website now, and as we get closer, we'll send you the Zoom link and final agenda.


This is your chance to tune in to the latest WV Can't Wait news, updates, and most important: leadership opportunities. You'll hear about how we're helping 24 elected officials through our governance program, preparing for 2024 slate elections in local WV cities and towns, backing candidates THIS SPRING & SUMMER in off-year elections, providing security and mental health services, supporting/training/funding organizers, and more.


Don't forget to RSVP for the Statewide meeting at this link: (The link also asks you more about what you most want to see at the meeting.)


Hope to see you there!?


In solidarity,


Brittney Barlett

Board Chair, WV Can't Wait Mutual Aid (501c3)


Emily Thompson

Board Chair, WV Can't Wait Votes (501c4)


Bill Coffey

Board Chair, WV Can't Wait Action Committee (PAC)


PS Enjoy this snaphsot from last spring's statewide meeting. The meeting this spring will be via Zoom... so the food won't be as good, but the spirit will be ;)


WV Can't Wait is a movement to win a people's government in the Mountain State. For more information, visit