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Dear Neighbor,


I wanted to remind you that our first town hall of the year is happening THIS THURSDAY, MARCH 16th at Stephens Middle School (1830 W Colombia St) in West Long Beach.  

I'll be sharing updates on our work in Washington to lower costs for families, expand access to healthcare, and fight climate change in Los Angeles and the rest of the country. 

What issues are you concerned about?
Air Pollution
Park Equity
Public Safety
Access to Healthcare
Taking this survey will sign you up for future news and updates from my office.

 I'm looking forward to answering your questions and sharing what our office can do for you at home and in Washington, D.C.  I hope to see you there! 



Member of Congress


Sign up for my newsletter to get updates on this issue and others!

Washington D.C. Office
2312 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-8220

San Pedro Office (COMING SOON)
638 S. Beach St. 
San Pedro, CA 90731
Phone: (310) 831-1799

Long Beach District Office
4201 Long Beach Blvd., Suite 422
Long Beach, CA 90807
Phone: (310) 831-1799

South Gate City Hall Satellite Office
8650 California Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
Phone: (310) 831-1799

Carson City Hall Office
701 E. Carson St
Carson, CA 90745
Phone: (310) 831-1799