Dear John,


Today's budget announcement falls far short of what is needed. Will you join us as we call on the government to pay workers a fair wage?


Ahead of the Chancellor's announcement, Greens called for measures to tackle inequality and create a more sustainable society.


12 years of the Conservatives has resulted in huge cuts to our public services. Today's announcement was set against a backdrop of thousands of workers on strike, and yet Jeremy Hunt failed to give them the pay rise they deserve.


Green Co-leader Carla Denyer stated: "It is no surprise that we are seeing a wave of industrial action across the public sector. The conclusion is clear - to regenerate our economy we need to restore our public services and pay public sector workers properly"


Join the Green Party today to be part of a fairer, greener movement

Today the Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies asserted; "the government has spent months saying it can't find any money to prevent nurses and teachers getting very big pay cuts. He just found ?6 billion to cut fuel duties. That's a choice"


If you believe that we deserve better than this, that our public sector workers deserve fair pay and that a truly Green budget is vital to a fairer future, join as a member today.

In solidarity,

Green Team