Dear John,


Today's budget announcement falls far short of the strong climate action needed. Will you join us as we continue our fight for a truly Green budget?


You've seen 12 years now of this government's obsession with 'growth'. But we know the damage that this approach is causing.


Green Co-leader Carla Denyer stated: "We know from past experience that an obsessive focus on economic growth enriches the few, impoverishes many and wrecks our climate while trashing the natural world"


Join the Green Party today to stand for a fairer, greener future.

We need meaningful investment in affordable renewables now. We need a nationwide insulation programme. This would tackle greenhouse gas emissions and mean that people could afford to be warm in their homes.


We know the practical, green solutions necessary. We know how to implement them; proven and effective measures that will create a sustainable future for all.


If you believe in that future too, join as a member today.

In solidarity,

Green Team