Bilingual Training, Fighting Child Labor, and more
Dear John,
We’ve got a packed newsletter this week, including bilingual vaccine outreach training, recommendations on child immigrant labor, and an opportunity to honor friend and advocate Eva Alvarez. Read more below.
Training: Vaccine outreach in Immigrant Communities
We are excited to partner with PIF member Clinica Romero for a free health promoters training on COVID and flu vaccine outreach. Participants will work with seasoned promoters and a member of the PIF team, exploring strategies to address immigration-related vaccination concerns, as well as field-tested approaches to encourage immigrant families to get vaccinated. Participants will receive a certificate of completion. These interactive workshops are available in Spanish and English. Click the buttons below to register for either or both.
Last week, our partners at NLSLA/BAILA partnered with a USCIS Community Relations Officer, and the LA County Office of Immigrant Affairs to host a public charge Q&A session. If you’re interested in an event to thaw the public charge chilling effect in your community, please reach out to Alicia, [email protected].
Resource: Protect Children from Labor Exploitation
PIF partners Kids in Need of Defense shared 5 policy recommendations on immigrant child labor exploitation in the wake of a recent New York Times exposé. Recommended reforms prioritize both accountability for businesses profiting from labor law violations and support for children struggling to get by. We are grateful to KIND for sharing this resource.
Research: Visualizing Trends for Children of Immigrants
Our partners at the Urban Institute created an interactive map that presents data and trends over time on children of immigrants and their parents, families, and households for states and the top 100 metropolitan areas. The tool breaks down trends by age group and year over the past 15 years.
A few weeks ago, we shared news of the tragic passing of Eva Alvarez, a leading voice for immigrant families at PIF partner Michigan Immigrant Rights Center (MIRC). The Michigan Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (MCIRR) has decided to use their upcoming quarterly meeting as a virtual space to remember Eva. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to share their memories and reflections about Eva and her legacy.