Restoration News Exclusive: Where is
the "watchdog media" on the biggest election in America?
There’s no mistaking it. The so-called mainstream media
is on it. The Wisconsin Supreme
Court race next month is the most important election in
Or is it? You wouldn’t be able to tell by the coverage. Or more
precisely — the gaps in the
Less than two weeks ago, the sweet 26-year-old niece of Milwaukee
Common Council President Jose Perez — Aliyah Perez — was found dead,
the victim of domestic abuse. Her suspected killer, police say, is
Elijah Combs, who killed himself after a well-publicized police chase
and crash.

Bidenblames Trump for banks
collapsing on his watch
President Joe Biden patted himself on the back Monday morning
as multiple banks have collapsed in recent days, claiming that the
“quick action” of his administration has stabilized the banking

New on First Right:
Exposing communist ideologies
in education with John Stamper
socialist, and communist ideologies are dominating public schools, and
John Stamper is fighting back! Rather than continue working in the
woke, ideological corridors of the Chicago Public Schools, John quit
his job and began developing homeschool materials. He also wrote the
book Conflicted: Pulling Back the Curtain on Public
Education that outlines the indoctrination process through
mandatory teacher training.
Watch now and learn how Critical Race Theory,
Gender Theory, and other Godless ideas are being presented to students
as facts.

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