Rainforests are being BULLDOZED into bleak industrial plantations. Once vibrant, biodiverse ecosystems are RAZED as orangutans, monkeys, colorful birds, and all sorts of animals flee toppling trees. Investment firm BlackRock is pouring MASSIVE SUMS of money into companies SLASHING TREES FOR PROFIT! Please take immediate action!

Greedy corporations DESTROY rainforests to extract palm oil for junk food and cosmetics. Some of the most destructive companies that BlackRock finances HARASS, CRIMINALIZE, and VIOLENTLY EXPEL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES from their land.

If you have invested with BlackRock, the company might be using YOUR MONEY to fund this destruction. Every second that passes, BlackRock funnels more money to deforestation -- so we need your help NOW! Please, Friend, help FIGHT CORPORATE GREED and SAVE RAINFORESTS from BlackRock-funded destruction by 11:59pm TONIGHT!

Agribusiness companies are the LEADING CAUSE of deforestation worldwide and the violent land conflicts that come with it. These companies take vibrant ecosystems often stewarded by Indigenous communities and turn them into wastelands of stumps and then into vast industrial plantations -- and BlackRock is financing some of the WORST actors!

BlackRock wields $10 TRILLION in assets. It could use that influence for good instead of funding human rights abuses and rainforest destruction. But it’ll take a lot of pressure -- from people like YOU -- to push it to act. We’re losing rainforests fast and we need your help, Friend! If just 1 of every 9 people reading this email takes action, we’ll reach our goal to demand BlackRock STOP financing deforestation! Please sign now!

Standing with you,
Gaurav Madan
Senior forests and lands campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
