The effects of climate change can be severe, and unpredictable. Events like wildfires, hurricanes, flooding, extreme heat or cold are more common than ever. We need to do everything we can now to avoid the worst outcomes of the climate crisis, and reverse what we can.
Last year, Congress took historic action by making the largest investment to combat climate change in history. We’re investing in new technologies, clean energy, research, and pilot studies, developing new battery chemistry and more efficient solar panels, and more.
But there’s still more to be done. Yes, we’re talking about taking on big polluters, making our communities more resilient and sustainable, and protecting our environment, but don’t forget that every time you use public transportation, walk, carpool, or bike to work, you’re pitching in.
Every little bit counts so I thought I’d share a few things anyone can do to reduce their carbon footprint:

I’ll keep fighting to make sure we continue to address climate change in Congress. We can’t reverse climate change overnight, but if we all pitch in, we can make a difference.
— Jim