Today, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas is poised to issue a
national injunction suspending FDA approval of the abortion drug
mifepristone. Stay tuned for analysis and actions we can take together.
Fascist judges: Hands Off Abortion Medication!
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Episode 148 uploaded March 12: Sam Goldman talks with journalist Katelyn Burns about the fascist offensive against trans people. Katelyn is a columnist at MSNBC and Extra magazine, and co-host of the podcast Cancel Me Daddy.
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>> Listeners & readers: Send in your burning questions. The next episode of the Refuse Fascism podcast will respond to some
that have been sent our way and we want to speak to what’s on your mind.
Katelyn Burns:
just want you to imagine that this is happening to yourself, and often
the state has more control over your body than you do, and you're just a
middle school child. This actually will ruin lives. I don't think
people get that... But there's real people on the other side of these,
they're real people who have their own hopes and dreams, their own
needs, they would rather be worrying about their math homework than
whether or not their doctors gonna get thrown in prison.
Sam Goldman:
Thanks to everyone who goes the extra step and rates and reviews the show on Apple podcasts or wherever you listen. Bill, over on YouTube, wrote, "As usual, you hit it out of the park. Living in the fascist state of Florida, this hits home every day. To hear these students speak is just another fantastic support to this country that you provide. Thank you."
If you appreciate the show like Bill and want to help us reach more people who want to refuse fascism, be a gem, go write a review, and drop five stars wherever you listen to your pods. Tell the people out there in podcast land, please, why you listen and they should, too. Subscribe, follow so you never miss an episode. And of course, keep up all that great commenting and sharing on social media.
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