Mike Bloomberg 2020

I was born and raised in the greatest city in the world, Chula Vista, California. My family has been living in the area for five generations, and I have always wanted to dedicate my work to the community I love. That's why I am honored to serve as mayor and have the opportunity to move my city forward, build consensus, and bring real change for the people I serve.

After years of turmoil and instability in the White House, we need a leader who will focus on the issues that matter the most in our communities, like combating climate change, keeping us safe from gun violence and creating an economy that works for all. Mike Bloomberg has the experience needed to bring people together and rebuild our country.

I am proud to be one of many mayors and everyday Americans who support Mike as our next president. I know firsthand that being an elected official is a great responsibility, and my experience makes me confident that Mike will get it done for our communities.

Will you share your story of why you support Mike as our next president?

I am glad to be a part of Team Bloomberg 2020.


Mary Casillas Salas
Mayor, Chula Vista California

Paid for by Mike Bloomberg 2020

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