URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Don’t let the USDA block protections for animals on organic farms!

Organic agriculture began from public demands for a healthier, safer, and more transparent food system -- including animals that are treated HUMANELY with dignity and respect.

But in 2017, the Trump administration sided with Big Ag when it ABOLISHED a rule that would promote animal welfare by increasing federal regulation of livestock on organic farms -- like ensuring animals have outdoor access to fresh air, ample space to move around, and even protection from unnecessary physical alterations.

While most organic farmers already meet these guidelines, they’re losing business to large agricorps that are fighting against stricter animal welfare rules because it makes it harder to compete with the organic industry. Friend, there’s good news: We have a real chance at getting this critical rule reinstated to SAVE organic animals against Big Ag’s attempts to find loopholes in the standards. But we urgently need your help pushing the USDA to ENACT this organic animal welfare rule immediately. Take action now! >>

Big Ag has spent MILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to attack the organic industry and dodge pesticide regulations -- at the cost of animal welfare, the livelihood of organic farmers, and the trust of consumers. The USDA must hold these companies accountable for the harms of their corporate greed! 

The Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule (OLPS) would provide peace of mind by guaranteeing that all farms that use the organic label are held to the highest quality standards that organic shoppers put their faith in while ensuring the safe treatment of innocent animals.

Organic farmers, consumers, and animal advocates overwhelmingly support this organic animal welfare rule. Now we just need 2,814 more signatures from activists like you to demonstrate strong public support. 

Time is running out to PROTECT organic animals and DEFEND the integrity of the organic seal, so this can’t wait. Can we count on you to add your name right now before it’s too late?

Thanks for protecting organic farming!
Friends of the Earth
