John, SB 15 -- called the #SaveWomensSports bill -- may be decided on Thursday. Please pray for success of the bill so that collegiate women are protected from competing against males in sports. Below, we've linked Riley's powerful testimony from last night: |
If you missed our earlier email today, here's a recap: Thank you for making our 2023 Faith and Family Day a success! We had a record turnout for the event, and fabulous speakers like Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Abby Johnson, competitive swimmer and #SaveWomensSports leader Riley Gaines, detransitioner Walt Heyer, school choice advocate Corey DeAngelis, as well as a number of legislators! Whether you prayed, attended, told friends, rode one of our buses, we are thankful for your support and for the success of our event. As you can imagine, the cost to put something like this together is considerable. Please consider a tax-deductible contribution to offset our costs. Once again, thank you! Here are some of the highlights, including pictures of the late night Senate hearing to #SaveWomensSports. Be sure to check out our social media platforms for more coverage of the day! |