From Chip <[email protected]>
Subject We have to stop spending money we don’t have!
Date March 14, 2023 11:03 PM
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The goal is to reduce the size and scope of government, not bloat it. This is how we will foster growth and prosperity.

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Shrink Washington, Grow America >> ([link removed])
Fellow Conservative,

The only way to save this country is to stop out of control spending and stimulate economic growth. But this administration is hellbent on doing the exact opposite.

Probably not much of shock at this point, but Biden's proposed “budget” is absolutely bloated with billions towards saving banks, tax increases and stalin-esque price controls.

How much in tax increases, you ask? Oh, just a modest $3 trillion.

That’s not a typo. His budget proposed raising literally $3 trillion through tax increases.

At what point do we say enough is enough? The answer to the budget woes is simple:

We have to stop spending money we don’t have!

Will you stand with me by adding your name to the growing list of Texans who say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH? ([link removed])
The goal is to reduce the size and scope of government, not bloat it. This is how we will foster growth and prosperity.

The only thing I can take away from this budget proposal is that Biden’s administration is against freedom and against prosperity. It’s never been clearer.

I’m asking you to Stand Up for America, against tax increases, against wasteful spending, against weaponized bureaucracy, and against woke policies.

Join us today; say NO MORE to Biden’s anti-freedom agenda by signing our petition. ([link removed])

For Liberty,
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Chip Roy
U.S. Congressman, TX-21

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