[1]Justice Democrats
In 2018, Republicans and corporate Democrats came together to deregulate
banks. 😰
Now, in 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is collapsing. As AOC said “the
regulators were there until SVB lobbied Congress to remove the
[ [link removed] ][IMG]
We don’t need any more Democrats in Congress who will take orders from
lobbyists and deregulate entire industries while doing nothing for working
people in this country.
We’re outraged by this and need your help to elect more progressives like
AOC who will speak out against corporate lobbying and deregulation.
[ [link removed] ]Please, rush a $3 contribution right now to help us
recruit the next slate of Justice Democrats who will hold big banks
accountable and fight for working, everyday people.
[ [link removed] ]Contribute $3
Thank you for your solidarity,
Team JD
Do not worry if you cannot afford to make a contribution — we understand that
this is a difficult time. If you’re struggling, you can find a food bank
[ [link removed] ]here. We appreciate everything you do to keep our movement strong.
Please stay informed and follow the most up-to-date recommendations from the
[ [link removed] ]Centers for Disease Control and your state public health department.
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PAID FOR BY JUSTICE DEMOCRATS. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
10629 Hardin Valley Rd, #226
Knoxville, TN 37932
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