EARTHDAY.ORG invites you to join another installment of our Earth
Day Live series this Thursday, March 16th at 12 pm EST
(GMT-4) entitled Divest/Invest: How We Stop Banks
from Fueling the Climate Crisis. This digital event will
focus on mobilizing the youth to stop bank investments in the fossil
fuel industry by signing the Banking on our Future Pledge and getting
involved in the March 21st Day of Action to Stop Dirty Banks.
Despite the climate crisis, our biggest banks are huge funders of
coal and gas and oil companies. In the years since the Paris climate
accords, they have given more than three trillion dollars in loans to
these companies, even as scientists have told us we must stop the
expansion of this industry. The fossil fuel industry polluting our
atmosphere can’t exist without money from banks and investors. If we
stop the Big Four Banks — Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Wells
Fargo — from investing, we help shut down the industry.
This Earth Day Live event will feature powerful voices
leading the charge in advocating for a greener future for all
generations. Co-founders and members of the Third
Act as well as the non-profit, 350.org,
will dive into how you can take steps to move your money to better,
greener banks, credit unions, and credit cards.
You have the power to influence the world’s
largest banks, will you help put an end to our money being used to
bankroll the climate crisis?
The event will be approximately 1 hour and hosted on Twitter,
and on our webpage. By RSVP'ing, you'll receive a reminder on the day
with a link to view the event.
Current panelists include:
Bill McKibben — Author, Co-Founder Third Act,
Co-Founder 350.org
Deborah Moore — Campaign Strategist, Third Act
We look forward to an engaging
conversation on the disinvestment of banks in the
industrial world through the lens of the current generation and a
climate-forward pledge.
For mobilization,
Kathleen Rogers President