Triple Match Status: [ACTIVE]

Yesterday, we shared the disappointing news that ConocoPhillips’ Willow Project was approved — and today, we expect the pro-polluter led House to release their dirty energy plan in a giveaway to the fossil fuel industry. But as we said, there is plenty of good we can still do, and we’re just getting started. We have an update for you now about protecting clean water for our communities:

This week the extreme GOP-led House officially passed legislation to limit the EPA’s authority to protect the waters our families and communities depend on for drinking, recreation, and protection from flooding.

Now, it’s headed to the Senate for a vote, and there is a serious chance that this could pass. Friend — it’s going to come down to a couple Senate votes. We can’t let this move any further.

We need your help. Our policy teams are meeting with Senate staff. We’re organizing folks from all over the country to message their lawmakers. We need to keep raising our voices until the vote, and that takes resources we just don’t have right now. A group of donors has put up an emergency triple match fund to help power our campaign — so we’re asking for your help to protect our critical waters.

Friend, the Senate vote is imminent. Join our environmental movement today and a group of committed donors will TRIPLE MATCH your gift. That means a gift of just $5 has the power of $15 if you act right now >>

The Biden administration recently finalized important safeguards to ensure that critical bodies of water — from small streams to rivers to wetlands — are protected from unfettered pollution and destruction. This new Clean Water Restoration Rule is grounded in science, which underscores that many waters are connected and thus must be protected to safeguard downstream communities and the environment.

By attempting to block these protections, some members of Congress would put the waters our families, communities, and economy depend on in jeopardy. It gets worse — this legislation would also block future administrations from issuing “substantially similar” clean water safeguards, to the benefit of polluters.

This legislation, pushed by big polluters and led by their allies in Congress, is a serious threat to our clean water. Congress should be doing more, not less, to protect our waters and ensure that everyone, no matter their race, zip code, or income, has access to clean water.

Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the attacks on our health and environment we’re going to see from an extreme GOP-led House. Our families and communities cannot afford for us to be silent now. Please, help keep our campaign going:
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