Today is Equal Pay Day. Ending the gender wage gap is essential to securing women’s economic security and helping our nation’s economy reach its full potential.
Equal pay for equal work. Make a call. AFL-CIO

Hi John,


The Paycheck Fairness Act increases penalties when employers violate equal pay provisions. It also makes it unlawful to prohibit employees from discussing their wages. Take two minutes to ask your senators and representative to support the Paycheck Fairness Act.

Today is Equal Pay Day because women have to work until March 14, 2023, to earn what a man made in 2022.


The gender wage gap leads to a loss of some $400,000 over the course of a working woman’s career. For women of color, that loss is even steeper.


Read that again: $400,000.


The Paycheck Fairness Act would help close the wage gap in a few different ways by:

  • Making it unlawful to prohibit employees from talking about their wages.
  • Increasing penalties for violating the equal pay provision.
  • Directing the Department of Labor to provide trainings for negotiating compensation and working conditions.

It’s time. Women should get equal pay for equal work.


If you agree, take two minutes to call your senators and representative. Tell them to vote YES on the Paycheck Fairness Act.


In Solidarity,



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