From Dr. Brian Babin <>
Subject Border Security IS National Security
Date March 14, 2023 7:45 PM
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Border security is one of my top priorities in Congress, and there’s a big reason for it…

Our southern border is one of the longest in the world, and everyone from drug traffickers, to dangerous cartels, to criminal enterprises, to terrorists have been using our relaxed, open-border policies to THEIR ADVANTAGE.

STOP THE BORDER CRISIS [[link removed]]

It really doesn’t matter which political party you’re a member of: NO ONE should be okay with the very real security threat our open border poses. Border security is national security, and our government from the local to federal level has a responsibility to protect the public and enforce our laws.

Unfortunately, the radical Democrats in Congress and those in the White House letting this happen don’t seem to care. They’ve been complicit in these problems, and it’s up to us in Congress to put a stop to it!

I'll be working with my House colleagues to bring DHS, the White House, and Congressional Democrats to heel to stop this border disaster. Can you chip in $5 to make sure that Republicans can get this done? >> [[link removed]]


For Texas,

Congressman Brian Babin, DDS

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