HER Time PAC [[link removed]]
Congrats, every woman reading this! You just finished making, on average, what your male counterparts made last year.
Yep, you had to work an additional 84 days to earn what a man earned in 2022 — all because of your gender.
Women only make 82 cents for every dollar a man does, on average. To help fuel our fight to close the gender pay gap, we’re asking you to chip in just 82 cents. (Men reading this: You can chip in a whole dollar.)
CHIP IN $0.82 [[link removed]]
CHIP IN $1.00 [[link removed]]
CHIP IN MORE [[link removed]?]
Thanks, team.
— HER Time
2120 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
United States
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Paid for by the HER Time PAC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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