All On The Line wholeheartedly supports his call to create a non-partisan redistricting committee that will give all Wisconsinites a real voice in how their home districts are drawn.
This is a major milestone for our movement. Elected officials across the country are campaigning, winning, and governing to create fair redistricting reform where every vote counts. But they need our support. Add your name to thank Governor Evers and demand elected officials across the country support independent redistricting reform.
We know we'll face roadblocks in the fight for fair maps. We cannot let stubborn politicians block reforms simply because they like the status quo that allows them to gerrymander the maps and shut the people out of the process.
For the past decade, the people of Wisconsin had been forced to vote in some of the most gerrymandered districts in the country. And, as you know, gerrymandered districts protect those in power while failing to give the people adequate representation in the U.S. House of Representatives and state legislatures. We are finally seeing real progress in Wisconsin thanks to people like you stepping up to make a difference in this fight.
Thanks for your support,
-- Liz
Elizabeth Treviño
Wisconsin State Director
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.