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Dear Friend,

Equal pay for women is a matter of economic and racial justice. For all earners, women earn only 77 cents for every dollar a man makes on average. The wage gap is even larger when taking into out account racial background and motherhood. AANHPI women earn only 80 cents, Black women only earn 64 cents, mothers earn only 62 cents, Latinas earn only 54 cents, and Native women earn only 51 cents for every dollar a man makes.

Blue graphic featuring a Black mother kissing her young daughter. The text reads "Women deserve equal pay. Equal Pay Day, March 14."

These pay gaps matter. Over a woman’s career, pay disparities can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost earnings, which has an enormous impact for low-income women of color and single mothers. As a long-time member of the Equal Pay Coalition, NCLEJ is fighting to eliminate gender and race wage gaps through efforts like combating wage theft against home health aides, many of whom are women of color.

This Equal Pay Day, stand with us in the fight to bridge gender and race wage gaps so that women may achieve full participation and pay equality in our economy. Click here to sign on in support of our mission.

Thank you,

Dennis Parker
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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