On Monday, the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), launched a new website, SFOFExposed.org, to expose republican treasurers, auditors, and financial officers in 28 states have been weaponized by dark money groups and right-wing operatives under the umbrella of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF) to help manufacture a crisis around the consideration of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in business and investing practices.

SFOF has emerged on the political scene in recent years as a key player in expanding efforts to use the power of state governments to blacklist companies that include ESG factors in their private business decision making. Since 2020, more than 200 bills have been introduced in 32 states to attack ESG, such as blocking public pension funds from investing in and withholding public contracts from firms that take into consideration climate risks, diversity, gun safety, and other social justice issues when making business decisions.

Features of the new SFOF Exposed site include:

  • profile pages on state treasurers, auditors, and financial officers who are members of the State Financial Officers Foundation (SFOF)
  • profile pages on right-wing operatives, groups, and funders coordinating with SFOF members.
  • state pages detailing local SFOF members, groups, operatives, lobbyists, and anti-ESG bills and laws
  • a document library with hundreds of emails, campaign filings, presentations, speeches, and other files that shed light on the SFOF network obtained by CMD through dozens of records requests and other means
  • a news page tracking the latest news stories on SFOF activities

CMD’s research team will continually update the site as additional information is uncovered and will add a relationship map soon.

Here’s the latest on other recent CMD investigations you may have missed:


Michigan Think Tank Launches New Dark Money Group as “Right-to-Work” Fight Heats Up

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a right-wing think tank that was instrumental in getting Michigan's right-to-work legislation passed, announced the creation of a new spin-off last month that is legally able to raise and spend unlimited amounts of dark money to influence legislation and ballot measures. 


Fossil Fuel Producers Urge ALEC to Help “Preserve [Their] Freedom”

An oil and gas industry group recently urged the board of directors of the American Legislative Exchange Council—the right-wing corporate bill mill—to reconsider adopting a model policy that would blacklist companies that limit their business with fossil fuels.


Koch Funds BlackRock Bashing…While Profiting from Joint Investments

Koch Industries and its funding vehicles funnel millions to groups that are decrying "woke capitalism" and attacking the investment giant BlackRock for its leading role in ESG investing. Yet that hasn't stopped the company's subsidiaries from partnering with BlackRock to invest in technology startups.


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We rely on your support. Please help us to continue to investigate SFOF, ALEC, dark money, and the Koch political network by making a tax-deductible donation today.


If you'd like to send us a check, please mail it to:

Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010
Madison, WI 53725-9010


CMD Around the Web


CMD's research was recently cited by the following publications:

  • Clean Technica: Massive Energy Storage Projects Planned For Nevada & Wyoming
  • The New Republic: What Fossil Fuel Executives Really Think About ESG
  • CNBC: How Trump allies and wealthy donors helped to fuel the GOP fight against ESG investing platforms
  • Rolling Stone: The Christian Nationalist Machine Turning Hate Into Law
  • Legal Newsline: Ohio AG must turn over records, testify about Republican AG association
  • The New Republic: The Right Has It In for Woke Investors. The Only Problem? They Don’t Exist.

Thank you for supporting the Center for Media and Democracy and following our investigations at Exposed by CMD!

Arn H. Pearson
Executive Director

CMD is a 501(c)(3) national watchdog and media group that conducts in-depth investigations into corruption and the undue influence of corporations on media and democracy. Our work is regularly cited by news outlets, policymakers, and grassroots activists working to build a more sustainable future and just society. CMD is reader-supported. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Thank you!

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Center for Media and Democracy
P.O. Box 259010  | Madison, Wisconsin 53725-9010
608-260-9713 | [email protected]

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