📅 The Week Ahead: 2022 Economic Census
The deadline to respond to the 2022 Economic Census is Wednesday, March 15!
If your business was asked to participate in the economic census, your response is required by law. You have until Wednesday to respond before the nonresponse follow-up begins.
Economic census data guide business decisions and policies that impact every industry and community.
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Stats for Stories and More
On Tuesday, March 14, we mark Equal Pay Day, National Potato Chip Day, and Pi Day. This week, March 12-18, is Sunshine Week, and Thursday, March 17, is Freedom of Information Day. Friday, March 17, is St. Patrick's Day.
In March, we mark Women's History Month, Red Cross Month, and Frozen Food Month.
Irish American Heritage Month is also celebrated in March.
Learn about upcoming observances and celebrations with Stats for Stories.
 As part of the economic census, we collect data in the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa and Puerto Rico.
Read our new blog to learn about notable differences between data collection stateside and in the Island Areas for the 2022 Economic Census currently underway.
In Case You Missed It
Last fall, we actively sought your ideas for a better 2030 Census.
Now, we're pleased to report that we received more than 8,000 comments included in more than 1,400 public submissions from people across the country.
In this new blog, Census Bureau Director Robert Santos shares his appreciation for the input we've received and insight on what comes next.
Join us March 28-30 for our 2023 Local Employment Dynamics (LED) Partnership Virtual Workshop. We will be highlighting the work of our state Labor Market Information partners and other data users through plenary sessions.
This year’s theme is “LED: Big Illuminating Local Outcomes.”
Also This Week
View information on more upcoming releases.
🎂 Happy Birthday Maine!
On Wednesday, March 15, we will celebrate Maine's 203rd anniversary of statehood.
🔎 Did you know? Maine is the 39th largest state by area and was the 23rd state to join the Union.
🌲 The state tree is the White Pine.
🌲 The state nickname is the Pine Tree State.
🌇 The largest city is Portland.