Team, I am deeply concerned about Walgreens’ recent decision to ban the sale of legal medication prescribed by doctors to women seeking reproductive care in states like mine.

This is an unacceptable decision by Walgreens in response to a political stunt from Republican Attorneys General, and I won’t let it stand. I have just sent a letter to the company’s leadership urging them to reverse their decision and take steps to ensure that all women, including those in rural America, have access to safe, legal and effective health care.

I firmly believe in a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions without interference from the government. But Walgreens decision to limit access to FDA-approved medication is a clear example of how politics can interfere with medical care, and will have real-world consequences for women across the country, especially those in Montana living in rural areas.

I will always defend a woman’s right to make her own medical decisions. Our best shot at stopping these bans and future restrictions nationwide is by making sure we have U.S. Senators that are committed to protecting the right to reproductive care.

Montana is the one Senate seat standing in the way of Mitch McConnell’s dangerous agenda. If we lose here, he’ll get his wish to retake the Senate, and he won’t lift a finger to restore women’s health care rights. It’s that simple, folks.

If you’re with me in the fight to protect a woman’s right to safe and legal reproductive health care, please pitch in right now to help keep me in the Senate fighting to enshrine reproductive rights into law.

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