Friend --

Back in 2020, when I announced my intention to run for U.S. Senate against Chuck Schumer, I spent $40 to purchase a good quality bullhorn. As you can see from the photos below, that was probably the best $40 my campaign ever spent. I even bought a smaller blue bullhorn ($21) for use at fancy breakfasts where you need to be heard -- another great investment--to the dismay of a certain US Senator. Now I'm running for US Senate again, this time against Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.

As the banks blow out, exacly as Lyndon LaRouche forecast years ago, my voice needs to be heard more than ever.? I need your support to get a few more bullhorns -- and some other things for this campaign that cost more than a bullhorn.? Please donate a bullhorn's worth, or whatever amount you like, so that my voice can be heard far and wide, demanding an end to endless wars, and an immediate bankruptcy reorganization of the trans-Atlantic and world financial system.? It's time to stop bailing out the predators and save the people!

Here I ask Senator Schumer why he hasn't responded to my questions about his decision to send $100 billion to Ukraine, including to pay for a "kill list" on which my name appears


I graduated from the bullhorn to the national stage at the Rage Against the War Machine Rally on February 19



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