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BREAKING: North Carolina has officially passed the COS Resolution through the NC House with a final vote of 61-55.

This monumental victory comes after countless town halls, legislative meetings, and tireless efforts by our grassroots network in the state.

Thanks to their work—along with valuable leadership by Sen. Rick Santorum, Mark Meckler, and Michael Farris—our Resolution boasts an incredible 4 primary sponsors and 42 co-sponsors!

Next, we move to the NC Senate for consideration.

But the race to become state #20 is heating up.

Kansas has secured an early victory in committee and is expecting a House floor vote in a matter of days. And they’re working around the clock to give North Carolina a run for their money.

— you should know that the road to victory won’t be easy. The opposition is working around the clock to stop us. They’ve seen our momentum and will stop at nothing to prevent us from getting to 34 states.

But we’ve been preparing for this day.

We’ve spent years doing in-depth analysis on every state legislator and have individualized legislative strategies in place to secure support leading up to our next votes. But we can’t do it alone.

As a non-profit, grassroots-first organization, our progress is only possible because of support from Americans like you.

In order to help us execute on our state-specific legislative strategies and secure state #20, a generous patriot has offered to match any donation made before midnight on March 17th — up to $100,000.

With just days before our next vote, this match couldn’t come at a better time. Will you help us keep the momentum going by chipping in $10 today? Thanks to the match, $10 will become $20 in the fight.


Moving forward, 

The COS Project

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