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John: When I was growing up, I never could have imagined that I'd run for elected office one day -- let alone become the first computer programmer and the first former synagogue president ever elected to the Senate.

As the granddaughter of Jewish immigrants and the daughter of a World War II veteran, I was surrounded by loved ones who taught me the values of hard work, determination, and persistence -- and I've carried these with me my entire life.

Young Jacky with her family

I carried those values with me when I was working and waiting tables at Caesars Palace to pay for college, becoming the first in my family to graduate. I carried them with me when I was working as a computer programmer in a male-dominated field.

Jacky as a young computer programmer

I carried those values with me during my first-ever campaign for Congress in 2016, when I flipped a highly competitive district from red to blue, and in 2018, when I defeated a Republican incumbent against all odds -- becoming the second woman senator in Nevada's history.

Newspaper headline - Nevada reflects new Congress - Rep. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., in blue, poses for a selfie Wednesday at a Democratic election night party after winning a U.S. Senate seat

To this day, those values of hard work, determination, and persistence fuel my fight to advocate for families and bring much-needed progress to the lives of all Nevadans.

But right now, experts at The Washington Post are calling me one of the most vulnerable senators up for reelection -- and FiveThirtyEight says that Nevada could once again decide Senate control.

The GOP will come after me with everything they've got, and I simply cannot fight back without your grassroots support. So please, John, will you split $15 or more now between my campaign and Amy Klobuchar today to help me defend my seat and protect our Democratic Senate majority?

Thank you for taking the time to read my story -- and for standing with me in the fight ahead.

Jacky Rosen


Klobuchar for Minnesota
P.O. Box 4146
St. Paul, MN 55104
United States

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Paid for by Klobuchar for Minnesota
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