Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


The Democrat extreme agenda is causing our state to break. Student academic performance is suffering, crime is skyrocketing, the healthcare system is strained, college and university institutions of higher learning have degenerated into cesspools of lower living, housing costs are through the roof, electricity, food, and cost of living prices continue to rise, businesses are closing their doors and relocating out-of-state, and much more. Despite this reality, Democrats remain steadfast promoting Minnesota as a sex change sanctuary for minors, banning lawn mowers and water bottles, mandating menstrual products be accessible in middle school boys bathrooms, earmarking taxpayer dollars to be given to for-profit businesses whose owners make large campaign contributions to Democrats, and smoking recreational marijuana to get high.


While Republicans may not have the votes, I’m using my voice to fight back. Last week the Star Tribune published an article admitting I’m one of the three new GOP Senators "creating headaches for the DFL." Please know you can count on me to continue fighting for truth, constitutional principles, and the values and priorities of our great community!


Last week Senate and House Republicans held a joint press conference highlighting our Safe & Sound Minnesota public safety plan to confront the threat of violent and repeat criminals, strengthen police, improve training for law enforcement, and hold judges and prosecutors accountable with public data and information.  


Democrat extreme policies such as defunding the police and not prosecuting criminals have resulted in skyrocketing crime. Criminals have become emboldened while communities become more dangerous for law-abiding citizens. Law enforcement officers are being handcuffed by Democrats who refuse to give them the resources needed to do their jobs. The Republican ‘Safe and Sound Minnesota’ plan will ensure support for our law enforcement professionals and restore law and order to our state. Aspects of the plan include:



· Confronting the criminal threat would include new laws to add a new crime of carjacking to state statute, increase penalties for fleeing police in a motor vehicle, align fentanyl to the same weight thresholds and penalties as heroin, and increase sentences for those convicted with at least two prior crimes of violence.

· Increase the penalty for transferring a firearm to an ineligible person and requires a court to ensure someone who has been ordered to give up their firearms has indeed done so.  



· Provide $1 million for Pathway to Policing, the award-winning program that brings new recruits into public safety from other careers. $5 million for college scholarships and technology is also included to help law enforcement students prepare for their role, and $15 million for bodycams for law enforcement departments. The plan also fulfills a request of $168 million for police and first responder pension funds.



· Place transparency and accountability measures for the state’s courts.

· Mandatory minimum sentences for violent, repeat offenders and dangerous criminals who commit crimes with a firearm.

Sen. Lucero and Rep. Novotny visiting with a constituent group of business leaders and answering questions last Friday at the MN Capitol organized by Elk River Chamber of Commerce.

Democrats are focused on tampon mandates for middle school boys bathrooms and CRT in classrooms while children in government schools fall further behind in reading, writing, and math. Parents are responding.



Truth equals God alone chooses us as male or female and it is His great work that’s indicated by our sex at birth. Sexual confusion is not from our Creator and transgender ideology is harmful. It is our responsibility to respond to the confusion of others with compassion by us and our upholding truth while doing so in love.


Last week, Gov. Walz chose the opposite of upholding truth by issuing executive order 23-03 to disregard existing extradition, subpoena, and judgements agreements in law that Minnesota has with other states in the name of “LGBTQ+ rights.” Gov. Walz’s executive order effectively makes Minnesota a transgender child kidnapping destination/sanctuary state for gender transitions, including for residents of other states with more conservative laws. One parent who disagrees with another parent regarding their mutual child’s gender transition can now kidnap the child, flee to Minnesota, have damaging medical procedures performed on the child, and then be sheltered against criminal prosecution by Gov. Walz and Democrats.


Disregarding laws is an act of lawlessness and the latest example of Gov. Walz demonstrating he is unfit for office. Gov. Walz continues to choose evil over truth and science.

Democrats have expended precisely ZERO EFFORT to reduce the cost of home construction.

Sen. Lucero visiting with Otsego constituent Joe and Nowthen constituent Tyrone Monday last week to discuss real solutions to correct the high cost of housing in Minnesota ... increasing supply via new construction by reducing expensive government mandates.

Sen. Lucero touring Advanced Volumetric Alliance (AVA) located in Albertville Friday last week to learn about innovative designs and approach to housing construction methods.



The spring market is right around the corner and Democrats continue looking the other way while the cost of new home construction continues to be more expensive than EVERY surrounding state! Housing supply continues to be 80,000 – 100,000 units short than what is needed to meet current housing demand. As the Republican Lead on the Senate Housing Committee, I’ve had a front row seat witnessing Democrat inaction to reduce the cost of construction and encourage more building to ease the housing shortage.


Time is running out this legislative session to roll back government mandates making it effectively illegal to build affordable housing in Minnesota. Nevertheless, I’m continuing to push hard to advance the American Dream of home ownership for all Minnesotans.

DEMOCRAT SINGULAR FOCUS = ABORTION : Democrats are working hard to snuff out ALL support resources that assist in abortion alternatives such as counseling, adoption, and birth.



Several bills introduced last week which I chief or co-authored include:


· SF2802 Certain requirements establishment for members proposing firearms legislation

· SF2716 Certain activities by social media platforms regulation

· SF2577 Paperless angling, hunting, and trapping licenses requirement unless requested in paper format

Sen. Lucero visiting with Nowthen Mayor Jeff Pilon and Saint Michael Mayor Keith Wettschreck Thursday last week at the MN Capitol.

Sen. Lucero and Rep. Novotny participating in a constituent event in Elk River Saturday last week.



Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
