RPA Weekly Recap | March 13, 2023


Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, surrounded by students, parents and legislators, signed Senate Bill 294: the Arkansas LEARNS Act on Wednesday. This law represents the boldest, most conservative education reform in the nation. It garnered 78 votes in the State House and 26 votes in the State Senate, the widest margin for any piece of school choice legislation in the country.


RPA Chairman Cody Hiland spoke to the Benton County Republican Committee on Thursday. Chairman Hiland spoke about party unity and identifying where county committees can be of most impact moving forward in municipal, school board, and judicial races. Read more about the meeting in our "What We're Reading" section below.


  • Yesterday Biden unveiled his budget for FY 2024, a $6.9 trillion spending spree chock full of wasteful spending and higher taxes.
  • If Biden’s budget were adopted, the national debt would eclipse $50 trillion by 2033, and the debt-to-GDP ratio would surpass the record set just after WWII.
  • Biden wants to crush the American people with more taxes. 
  • His budget includes $4.7 trillion in new and expanded taxes.
  • Biden's budget is full of wasteful spending. 
  • Over the next 10 years, Biden’s budget would result in over $82 trillion in cumulative federal government spending.
  • Biden’s budget includes far-left priorities:
  • $3 billion to advance gender equity and equality.
  • $150 million for illegal immigrants’ legal fees
  • $50 million to retrofit low-income housing with “efficient electric” appliances rather than helping these communities escape poverty.
  • $57 million to support the UN Population Fund, which supports abortion and forced sterilization in China.
  • Biden's budget puts U.S. National Security at risk. 
  • In the midst of a border crisis, Biden’s budget would cut funding for the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Completely missing from Biden’s budget is a plan to address Social Security’s looming insolvency – something he has been hypocritically, and falsely, hitting Republicans on for months.

Huckabee on TBN: Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Demonstrates How to Handle the Media

Full Interview Here

Arkansas Education Secretary Jacob Oliva on Arkansas LEARNS Passage and What's Next

Roby Brock | Talk Business & Politics

Full Interview Here

GOP State Chairman Cody Hiland Appeals for Party Unity at Benton County GOP Event

Doug Thompson | Arkansas Democrat Gazette

Full Article Here

Womack Statement on Biden Budget Request

Full Release Here

Boozman Honored with VFW Congressional Award

Full Release Here

How Sarah Sanders is Putting Arkansas on the Map

Brent Scher | Washington Free Beacon

Full Article Here

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Tweet of the Week

Arkansans shoulder an unfairly heavy income tax burden.


Government spending has exploded.

It's time to rein it in and give taxpayers the relief they need.
