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Congress would pass very few bad bills if we made them #ReadtheBills before voting Retweet
Action item: Find a new sponsor for the Read the Bills Act!
Update: The Downsize DC Army will soon go away. In its place will be something fresh, including new tools and a new website, as we explained in Say Goodbye to OLD Downsize DC. In early August, we're going to tell you about the "far out" strategy of this new venture. Stay tuned.
As we've reported before, the One Subject at a Time Act has been reintroduced for the fourth time in the U.S. House. But the Read the Bills Act has a track record too. It's been introduced in the House once and in the Senate three times. 
Someone in Congress is bound to see the populist appeal this legislation would have to their constituents. We just have to get their attention. Maybe the message you send right now will be seen by just the right staffer in just the right office to get this done.
Send your reps a letter encouraging them to...
Introduce Read the Bills
Thank you for being an ACTIVE DC Downsizer,
Jim Babka, President
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